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Auckland, New Zealand

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thinking abt my future.

Omg, im blogging the night before my exam at 1am...
This is so screwed, i gave up on my exams ady...
I wish someone can tell me hw many minutes exactly do i need to study to JUST pass the exam.
That will make it much easier.

If the exam marks are given according to hw many minutes u study, then i will definitely work much harder.
This way, every single minute u spent on studying wont be wasted and ppl cant complain on their marks coz the amount of effort ur willing to spent add up towards ur grade.
And, no one will have this what-I-studied-didnt-come-out-issue.
The system just needs some changes.
Oh, wat a genius idea ! XD

I was reading one of my friends blog, and it made me think of going back to m'sia in the end of the year.
I got slightly worried and 不舍得.
Suddenly realise that, deep inside my mind, i really dont want to go back.
No, its not that i dont miss my family and friends in m'sia, but im sure i will miss my friends here even more by then.
Although we just knew each other for 3 months till now, but we are becoming surprisingly close within months. I dont want anything to separate us for even 1 day.

Anyway, this is life.
All I can hope for is, u will miss me too. :D
在一起的时间真短促, 现实太残酷, 我们如何要求更多?

Aduhaii, cant wait to format my laptop...
Its so difficult to express feelings in english...

P.S : Expect more emo updates from me, haha.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Thank you !

Feeling so guilty for being *emo* these few weeks, bringing down everyone else's mood.

It jz that, i feel so mentally exhausted after suffering from insomnia for the last few days.
Cant sleep well at night, and cant even have a nap in the afternoon.
Thats probably y im never fully awake during the day.

Anyway, I really do appreciate ur concerns and support. It means so much to me.
Dont know how to describe it in words.
But thank you..... [bow]
I promise i will get over it.
U will see the cheerful and happy "me" very soon.